Industrial Corrosion Protection Systems Manufacturer uses Malvern Kinexus Rheometer in Formulation Development
Malvern, UK: Development teams at Steuler KCH Materials GmbH (Siershahn, Germany) are using the Kinexus rotational rheometer from Malvern Instruments to help analyze the rheological characteristics of products such as spray coatings. Steuler KCH GmbH is a world leader in the provision of industrial corrosion protection, in the form of mechanically and thermally resistant materials and linings for steel and concrete structures. According to Dr. Daniel Kessler, Head of Research and Development Rubber Linings: "Kinexus helps us to study the rheological properties of our systems analytically and develop future formulations. It allows us to continually improve product quality, leading to a direct saving in time and costs".
Kinexus is a unique rheometer from Malvern Instruments designed to meet rheology needs across a wide variety of research sectors, industries and application areas. In particular, the rSpace software interface makes Standard Operating procedure (SOP)-driven tests available for the first time on a rheometer platform, to enable robust rheology testing for users at every level of experience.
Dr. Kessler explains further, "We use the Kinexus system to simulate the complete processing cycle of our products. This ranges from storage stability, such as settling of fillers, through to the actual injection process which involves high shear rates and shear thinning of the material. It also enables us to analyze the products' behaviour on the wall, where we can observe flow, rupture strength at constant shear stresses, yield point and build up of homogenous layers."
"We appreciate the simple implementation of standard tests using the Kinexus and the intuitive design of complex measurement requirements. We also appreciate the outstanding support, and comprehensive advice and training that is available to us from Malvern Instruments."
Rheology defines the flow of fluids, and deformation of solids, under applied stresses or strains. An understanding of the rheological properties of materials can help to develop a better product, by improving material formulation and optimizing processability leading to better product performance for customers and consumers.
More information about the Kinexus rotational rheometer can be found at
Malvern, Malvern Instruments and Kinexus are registered trademarks of Malvern Instruments Ltd
About Malvern Instruments
Malvern Instruments is a market leader in measuring performance controlling material properties. These include particle size, particle shape, zeta potential, molecular weight, size and conformation, rheological properties and chemical distribution. Malvern delivers the systems, support and expertise that ensure the analytical integrity and productivity needed to drive research, development and manufacturing.
Malvern's measurement solutions for scientists, technologists and engineers advance continually through customer collaboration. Complementary materials characterization systems deliver inter-related measurements that reflect the complexities of particulates and disperse systems, nanomaterials and macromolecules. Combining intelligently implemented technologies with in-depth industry applications knowledge and support, Malvern provides customers with the competitive advantage they demand.
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