Handheld Meter measures air characteristics.
Press Release Summary:
Able to store 2,000 readings in 25 user-selectable groups, battery-operated ADM-880C AirData Multimeter measures air velocity, temperature, pressure, and flow. It calculates average, sum, min, and max of readings in each group and records time and date of each reading. Able to be programmed to take readings at selected intervals, unit provides serial communications port for automatic download of data and features backlit display and NIST Traceability.
Original Press Release:
Powerful Tool for Measuring Air Characteristics
August 15, 2005. Shortridge Instruments, Inc. announces the new ADM-880C AirData Multimeter for measuring air velocity, temperature, pressure, and air flow. The all-in-one ADM-880C is a hand-held, battery-operated meter intended for use in qualifying new construction, remodeling, and maintaining existing air systems. Key TAB (test, adjust, balance) applications include commercial and industrial buildings, schools, hospitals, restaurants, and cleanrooms.
The ADM-880C AirData Multimeter stores 2000 readings in 25 user-selectable groups and calculates the average, sum, minimum, and maximum of the readings in each group. The time and date of each reading is recorded. The meter also stores the barometric pressure and temperature along with each velocity and flow reading. Any reading and its associated data may be accessed and viewed at any time.
The ADM-880C AirData Multimeter contains a powerful datalogging feature. The meter can easily be programmed by the user to take readings at selected intervals. The user may also select the start and stop time of the reading sequence. Alternatively, the user may program the meter to take a specified number of measurements, then stop.
The ADM-880C AirData Multimeter provides a serial communications port for automatic download of the data in memory to a computer spreadsheet such as Excel© for analysis and recording. The data is downloaded at high speed and organized in rows and columns to clearly show each reading, the time and date it was taken, and where appropriate, the associated barometric pressure and temperature. Once in a computer application, the data can be manipulated, saved, and printed as desired. Maintenance and qualification reports are now much faster to generate, and it is easier than ever to back up equipment decisions with statistical data. Data in memory may also be downloaded directly to a printer.
The ADM-880C works well with industry standard probes such as static pressure probes and pitot tubes when these are appropriate. Also available are proprietary probes and accessories that address specific applications. When used with the FlowHood, the ADM-880C captures the air flow from a room supply or exhaust diffuser and automatically compensates for the backpressure effects of the FlowHood. The Shortridge AirFoil probe has a straight shaft for easier insertion into ductwork for velocity traverses. The VelGrid dramatically improves the productivity of face velocity measurements of diffusers and fume hoods by automatically averaging the air velocity at 16 points over a 14" x 14" rectangular pattern. Temperature is measured to within +/- 0.5 °F by sensitive thermistors housed in rugged steel TemProbes.
The ADM-880C offers several other important features. A backlight aids measurements in new construction or other areas with poor illumination. The meter automatically provides the sum and average of all measurements in each memory group. The meter automatically measures the local temperature and barometric pressure and corrects for local air density during velocity or flow readings. One of the many measurement modes is Trend mode, which provides one reading per second and an analog-type arrow indicator to speed up damper adjustments and other time-consuming operations. The microprocessor-controlled meter has a very wide operating range, yet it is as accurate as some laboratory instruments. Calibration is certified NIST Traceable.
The feature-rich ADM-880C Kit includes the AirFoil probe, VelGrid, pitot tube, static pressure probes, and TemProbes as well as the AirData Multimeter, and is available for immediate delivery. FlowHood kits are sold separately.