Handheld Imager offers UID code reading software.

Press Release Summary:

Industrial MS-Q Quadrus incorporates Unique Identification (UID) code reading software for Department of Defense and their suppliers, providing UID symbol format verification and ability to build UID from construct No. 1 or 2 format. Able to read directly marked 2D symbols on low contrast substrates such as metal, rubber, and glass, unit employs Bluetooth wireless protocol and has 300 ft communication range. Tethered and batch units are also available.

Original Press Release:

Handheld Imager Offers UID Code Reading Software

MS-Q handheld imagers read directly marked 2D symbols for UID applications

November, 2004 - Renton, Wash.: Microscan's industrial MS-Q Quadrus handheld imager now offers Unique Identification (UID) code reading software for the Department of Defense and their suppliers. Designed for use by all members of the DoD supply chain, the MS-Q software provides two key benefits: UID symbol format verification and the ability to build the UID from either construct #1 or #2 formats.

UID Format Verification: UID symbol verification software enables the DoD vendor to scan their UID symbols and verify that the information (Header identifiers, enterprise number, part number and serial number) is in the correct format. If the content is outside the parameters of the UID specification, the user will receive an error message stating the symbol is a bad UID symbol and the reason why it violated the specification. This provides suppliers with the assurance their symbols meet the specification before the product is shipped.

UID Output: The MS-Q also builds the UID number for DoD operators on the receiving end, saving them the need for developing custom software. All the user needs to do is scan the UID symbol, and the MS-Q will construct the UID part number by concatenating the enterprise number, part number and serial number into the proper formatted data string.

Combining high-speed processing with optimized lighting, MS-Q imagers provide fast, accurate decoding of UID Data Matrix symbols directly marked on low contrast substrates such as metal, rubber, and glass. In aerospace and other applications involving large parts that require mobility, users will find the MS-Q's Bluetooth wireless protocol with a 300-foot communication range especially attractive. Tethered and batch units also available.

Microscan representatives are available for comment on the DoD's UID policy and how to comply, as well as direct-part marking trends in the automotive, defense and aerospace industries. For an interview or more information, contact Susan Snyder at 425-226-5700 or by e-mail at ssnyder@microscan.com.

Founded in 1982, Microscan was the first company to successfully integrate a laser diode into a scanner. Today, with a broad range of products servicing all major industries, Microscan continues its leadership role in advancing the state of the art in the bar code industry. Microscan is a Spectris company.

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