Gas Vent Heating System cuts installation time.

Press Release Summary:

Z-Vent III gas vent heating system installs in 7 minutes. Factory-installed sealing gaskets provide airtight seal and enable user to cut installation time by 50%. Venting connects to heating unit, goes upward and then out to wall or chimney.

Original Press Release:

Habitat Heating System in Place

This Z-Vent III special gas vent heating system installed in 7 1/2 minutes compared to 15 minutes before. The difference: factory installed sealing gaskets. Installer puts pipes together and gets immediate airtight seal.

Venting (large vertical pipe) connects to heating unit (square box at bottom of pix), goes upward, and then out to wall or chimney. "It looks the same to the eye but goes up in half the time," Dayhill's Steve Way points out.

This system equips four Habitat for Humanity homes in Toronto's Victoria Park-Danforth neighborhood.

The transfer to commercial use hit Dayhill's Steve Way immediately. "Until now, an installer applied silicone sealant inside pipe ends to be connected," Way says. "But with this new venting, silicone gaskets are already inside the two pipes - you put them together, one inside the other. Voila! An airtight seal. And it cuts installation from 15 minutes time to 7 1/2 minutes. Wow! That gets my attention."

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