Framework EDI Supports Binary Data

EDI and binary data

In the past, when systems had limited graphics, and when wire transfer connectivity was limited to dial-up lines, exchanging image files by EDI was restricted. But now, in an era of graphic centric systems, and broadband Internet connectivity, there is no more reason why image files cannot be exchanged via an EDI file. So don't limit your automatic file exchange to processing only text characters, but rather, move along with the times and start including graphics in your EDI process.

EDI supports binary data, and so does Framework EDI.

Framework EDI 5.2 .NET Hybrid Released

Just another reminder for those programming in .NET, that we have released Framework EDI 5.2 .NET Hybrid. It still includes the COM components so FREDI 5.2 is completely backward compatible with its previous versions; but it now includes managed .NET components so that the interop.dll, which has been a bottleneck, is not utilized to access the COM components. This can potentially improve the performance speed of your .NET application by 20 times.

For more details in programming with the FREDI .NET component, please visit

For some .NET sample programs using FREDI .NET, please visit

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