Fluoropolymer Hoses Address Pressure, Vibration, Thermal Problems

A wide range of fluoropolymer hoses, now available from U.S. Hose Company, offer the chemical resistance required for many of today's applications. These thermoplastics
include FDA approved materials for food applications, and the full range of products includes Jackson Industries hoses for working pressures up to 6,000 psi/414 bar.

Fluoropolymer hoses are inert to virtually all commercial chemicals, acids, alcohols, coolants, petroleum compounds, solvents, vinyls, synthetic lubricants, and hydraulic
fluids. In addition, they are not affected by continuous flexing, vibration, or impulse, and they withstand cold and heat cycling.

Furthermore, the lowfriction surface of these smooth bore hoses provides for high flow rates. As a result, these hoses are ideals for many of today's difficult or severe service applications.

U.S. Hose Corp (formerly Senior Flexonics) manufactures flexible metallic hose and braid, thermoplastic composite hose, and smooth bore and convoluted fluoropolymer
hose technologies in three product ranges. Manufacturing and support systems operate within an ISO 9001:2000 compliant working environment.

For more information on Fluoropolymer Hoses visit www.ushosecorp.com/pr3 or call 815-886-1140.

Company Contact

Andy Harrington

P: 815-886-1140

F: 815-886-4550


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