Fluorescent Dye detects gasoline and diesel fuel leaks.

Press Release Summary:

GAS-GLO(TM) 32 is formulated to detect gasoline and diesel fuel leaks in any enclosed circulatory system. Added to system to circulate, it remains at site of each leak, where it glows bright yellow when scanned with Spectroline® high-intensity ultraviolet or blue light inspection lamp. GAS-GLO 32 remains safely in system as part of diagnostic/maintenance program.

Original Press Release:

Gasoline and Diesel Fuel Leaks Can't Escape the Yellow Glow!

Westbury, New York - Spectronics Corporation has introduced GAS-GLO(TM) 32, a fluorescent leak detection dye formulated to detect gasoline and diesel fuel leaks in any enclosed circulatory system. This includes fuel systems, storage tanks, gas lines and fuel injector lines in large-capacity industrial systems. GAS-GLO 32 dye reveals even the tiniest leaks. It is fast, easy and accurate. Just add a small amount of dye to the system and let it circulate. Wherever the gasoline or diesel fuel leaks, so does the dye, which remains at the site of each and every leak. When the system is scanned with a Spectroline® high-intensity ultraviolet or blue light inspection lamp, the dye glows a bright yellow to show the exact location of all leaks. GAS-GLO 32 remains safely in the system as part of a diagnostic/maintenance program. Periodic re-checks will detect future leaks and avoid equipment damage. For more information about Spectroline® GAS-GLO(TM) 32 dye, call toll-free 1-800-274-8888. Outside the United States and Canada, call 516-333-4840. Website at www.spectroline.com.

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