Flexible Resolution Digitizer supports virtual instrumentation.
Press Release Summary:
Modular PXI-5922 can perform multiple instrument synchronization with module-to-module skew of less than 1 ns typ and onboard memory up to 256 Mb per channel. Used with LabVIEW v7.1, it can create ac voltmeters, audio analyzers, frequency counters, spectrum analyzers, or I/Q modulation analyzers. Unit uses FlexII ADC, which samples from 16 bits @ 15 MS/s to 24 bits @ 500 kS/s, and directly digitizes low-level signals without external signal conditioning.
Original Press Release:
National Instruments Introduces Universal Instrument for Dynamic Measurements
PXI-Based Flexible Resolution Digitizer Delivers Industry's Highest Dynamic Range
NEWS RELEASE - March 22, 2005 - Design and test engineers now can use a single modular instrument to make a wide range of dynamic measurements with the new National Instruments flexible resolution digitizer. Just as the digital multimeter brought universal measurement capability to DC measurements, the NI PXI-5922 flexible resolution digitizer revolutionizes dynamic measurements with a universal measurement device. Engineers can combine the module with NI LabVIEW 7.1 to create numerous types of instruments, such as AC voltmeters, audio analyzers, frequency counters, spectrum analyzers or I/Q modulation analyzers, that often exceed the measurement performance of high-end traditional instruments with similar functionality.
"Virtual instrumentation redefined how test and measurement systems were built," said Dr. James Truchard, NI president and CEO. "The NI PXI-5922 flexible resolution digitizer redefines how the hardware for virtual instrumentation is built by providing a device that spans many different applications. The module ensures error-free measurements for the broadest set of applications of any digitizer and takes us a long way toward our goal of a universal instrument measurement platform."
Unlike traditional measurement devices that have a fixed resolution for all sample rates, the NI PXI-5922 digitizer uses the NI FlexII ADC that has flexible resolution and can sample anywhere from 16 bits at 15 MS/s to 24 bits at 500 kS/s. The NI FlexII ADC incorporates patented NI methods for reducing the linearity and temperature drift errors inherent to multi-bit sigma-delta converters to achieve unprecedented dynamic range at high sample rates. With the module's large dynamic range and low noise, design and test engineers can directly digitize low-level signals without the need for external signal conditioning, such as filters and low-noise amplifiers. Reduced signal conditioning improves measurement accuracy and reliability while also saving test system development time.
The combination of measurement flexibility and high dynamic range make the NI PXI-5922 module ideal for a wide range of applications. With performance exceeding the best commercially available ADCs, for example, engineers can use the module to characterize and test the latest DACs. For precision audio applications, the digitizer's unparalleled ability to acquire signals with 24-bit resolution at up to 500 kS/s means engineers can capture high-order harmonics with wide dynamic range. The module's 18-bit resolution at 10 MS/s makes it an excellent digitizer for acquiring baseband I/Q signals used in digital communications systems.
The NI PXI-5922 module is built on the Synchronization and Memory Core (SMC) architecture for tight synchronization with other SMC-based products such as high-speed digitizers, arbitrary waveform generators and digital waveform generator/analyzers. This gives the module multiple instrument synchronization with module-to-module skew of less than 1 ns typical; deep, flexible onboard memory up to 256 MB per channel; and high-speed data streaming. Engineers can use the module to create mixed-signal stimulus response measurements or to expand the number of acquisition channels up to 1,632 channels by synchronizing multiple NI PXI-5922 modules.
About NI Modular Instruments
NI offers essential technologies for test, which combine high-performance hardware, flexible software and innovative timing and synchronization technology for test and design applications. NI modular instruments offer accurate, high-throughput measurements from DC to 2.7 GHz. The product family includes:
· High-resolution digitizers (up to 24 bits, up to 200 MS/s)
· Signal generators (up to 16 bits, 200 MS/s)
· Digital waveform generator/analyzers (up to 400 Mb/s)
· Digital multimeters (up to 7½ digits)
· RF vector signal generators and analyzers (up to 2.7 GHz)
· Dynamic signal analyzers (up to 24 bits, 204.8 kS/s)
· Switching (multiplexers, matrices and general purpose)
About National Instruments
National Instruments (www.ni.com) is a technology pioneer and leader in virtual instrumentation - a revolutionary concept that has changed the way engineers and scientists in industry, government and academia approach measurement and automation. Leveraging the PC and its related technologies, virtual instrumentation increases productivity and lowers costs through easy-to-integrate software, such as the NI LabVIEW graphical development environment, and modular hardware, such as PXI modules for data acquisition, instrument control and machine vision. Headquartered in Austin, Texas, NI has more than 3,400 employees and direct operations in approximately 40 countries. In 2004, the company sold products to more than 25,000 companies in 90 countries. For the past six years, FORTUNE magazine named NI one of the 100 best companies to work for in America.
Pricing and Contact Information
NI PXI-5922 flexible resolution digitizer
Priced from $6,495
Web: http://www.ni.com/modularinstruments
Deep URL: http://www.ni.com/digitizers/5922.htm