Encoder-Resolver-Synchro Card is IBM PC/AT compatible.

Press Release Summary:

Quadruple-channel IB Card is available whole or user-populated with any combination of Synchro/Resolver to Digital and/or Digital to Synchro/Resolver converters with industry standard pin-outs. Available converters include those with internal micro-transformers for isolation of all signal and reference lines. Unit supports single turn converter precision to 1 part in 65,536 and multi turn/multi speed precision to 1 part in 4,000,000+ parts.

Original Press Release:

New IBM PC/AT Compatible Encoder-Resolver-Synchro Card

New 4 channel Synchro-Resolver-Encoder Card plugs directly into any IBM-AT compatible computer. Card may be purchased as whole or user populated with any combination of Synchro/Resolver to Digital and/or Digital to Synchro/Resolver converters' having Industry Standard Pin-Outs.

Available converters include this with internal micro-transformers for isolation of all signal and reference lines. This completely isolates all the field wiring from the bus. The transformer isolation provides optimum system noise immunity, preserves the integrity of the bus, and eliminates all concerns over the ground loops, differing potentials, or machine noise entering the computer.

When selected as an Encoder System, the IB Card is provided with either small size 11, or Industrial Grade Nema 12 Resolver Transducers. The IB Card excites the resolver, and converts the outputs into two different formats: absolute position data that goes directly to the bus, and, as an option, incremental outputs to add true absolute positioning capability to off-the-shelf motion control cards, counter cards and the like.

The IB Card supports single turn converter precision to 1 part in 65,536 and multi turn/multi speed precision to 1 part in over 4,000,000 parts. 18 bit converter resolution is also available.

The IB Card is ideally suited for any motion control simulation, ATE, or data acquisition application using Synchros/Resolvers, or requiring shaft angle position feedback.

Price:$995.00 Quantity - 1 pc. Delivery: Stock to 4 weeks ARO

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