Easy Display, the New Screen Graphics Configurator from Poclain Hydraulics

Part of Poclain Hydraulics System, Easy Display is a software solution that enables users who are not expert programmers to configure the appearance and contents of the Display units 5.5 and 5C to suit their personal needs.

The display is built in three steps.

1st step: Choose the information to be displayed.

o Easy Display enables you to choose the information you wish to be displayed: the rotation speed of the engine, the speed of rotation of a hydraulic motor, the pressure or temperature of the hydraulic circuit, safety indicators...

2nd step: Choose the graphic representation.

o For each type of elected information, the user chooses one of the three possible graphic display formats: a gauge (dial and needle), digital display (digital value) or bar graph (a horizontal bar that progresses towards the right). The user also configures the display properties such as the unit (km/h or mph), scale...

3rd step: Build the screen.

o The user personalizes the position of this information on the screen.

Easy Display is quick and easy to use, offering users the potential to create personalised display screens that correspond exactly to their business needs.

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