Drug Tester facilitates random testing in workplace.
Press Release Summary:
ORALscreen® DRUGOMETER(TM) one-step, oral fluid drug test is administered like a thermometer. It can be dispensed anywhere in workplace since it does not require medical personnel, bathroom facilities, or additional electrical equipment. Unlike urine-based alternatives, oral tests can be observed without loss of dignity or associated gender issues. Tester detects over 99% of drugs commonly abused in workplace and provides results in 5-15 min.
Original Press Release:
Avitar Introduces the ORALscreen® DRUGOMETER (TM)
Innovative New Product Facilitates Random Drug Testing in the Workplace
CANTON, Mass., Nov. 9 - Avitar, Inc. (AMEX:AVR), developer of the world's first on-site, oral test for drugs-of- abuse, today announced an important new product, the ORALscreen DRUGOMETER. The DRUGOMETER is a one-step, oral fluid drug test and is based on Avitar's patented oral fluid collection and processing technology. In addition to the drugs-of-abuse sector, Avitar's patented approach should have widespread application in the $25B in-vitro diagnostics market.
"The ORALscreen DRUGOMETER offers unparalleled ease-of-use and enables corporations to establish a more effective drug free workplace program," said Peter Phildius, Avitar's Chairman and Chief Executive Officer. "The ORALscreen DRUGOMETER provides corporations with the ability to institute random drug testing programs, which have proven to significantly lower the level of drug abuse in the workplace. Fewer drug abusers translate into bottom line savings and a safer work environment by reducing on-the-job accidents, inventory shrinkage, and employee turnover, as well as lower workers compensation and healthcare costs."
Over 90% of corporate drug testing today is done for pre-employment only; a practice that has not been effective in reducing the $110B annual cost impact to corporate America resulting from drug abuse. Under this pre- employment testing approach, 10% of the workforce still abuses drugs. Oral fluid technology facilitates random testing of a corporation's full workforce, a technique that has shown to reduce drug use by up to three times.
"The ORALscreen DRUGOMETER will set the standard for drug testing in the workplace," said Vince Catalanotti, manager at Healthworkx, PC, an occupational medicine practice and health administration service in Grand Rapids, MI. "Our clients find that oral-based testing for drugs-of-abuse plays an important role in helping them achieve a drug free workplace and provide a safe, secure, work environment."
The DRUGOMETER is administered just like a thermometer. Anyone can be certified to use the device in less than an hour, and since it does not require medical personnel, bathroom facilities, or additional electrical equipment, the DRUGOMETER can be dispensed anywhere in the workplace. The test is donor-friendly, and unlike urine-based alternatives, oral tests can be observed without any loss of dignity or associated gender issues.
The ORALscreen DRUGOMETER is available in limited quantities, with volume shipments due in January 2005. Pricing starts at $23.95 per unit. Volume purchase pricing and annual contracts can be negotiated. To learn more about how to best implement the ORALscreen DRUGOMETER contact Avitar at 781-821- 2440, (800 255 0511), avitarinc.com/
Background Information
The Case for Oral Fluid Based Drug Testing in the Workplace
Research has shown that an average of 10% of employees in the workplace environment abuse drugs (SAMSHA). And, there is a direct correlation between employee drug use and a company's bottom line. As many as 65% of accidents on the job can be linked to drug abuse as can 38 - 50% of all workers compensation claims (NCCI). Employees who abuse drugs have 66% higher absenteeism and file 3 to 5 times the number of workers compensation claims. Drug abusers have a 300% higher health benefit utilization rate. On average, employees who use drugs cost employers $7,000 - $10,000 more than those who do not (SAMSHA).
The ORALscreen DRUGOMETER can detect over 99% of the drugs commonly abused in the workplace [including THC (marijuana), cocaine, opiates (including oxycotin / oxycodone), and methamphetamines (including ecstasy)] within 5 - 15 minutes. In comparison, most competitive oral-based products require handling of oral fluids via separate collection and test devices, and cannot accurately detect currently popular oxycontin / oxycodone and ecstasy.
Avitar's oral fluid diagnostics provide a less expensive, more accurate, efficient and less invasive way to perform testing for drugs of abuse at work. In many cases, the DRUGOMETER costs significantly less than urine-based drug testing services that must be performed in a lab. Oral fluid-based testing is virtually impossible to adulterate and therefore more accurate and reliable than traditional urine drug testing. Oral fluid testing also more closely parallels blood testing vs. urine testing, and is a better indicator for detecting current drug use or impairment.
About Avitar
Avitar, Inc. develops, manufactures and markets innovative and proprietary products for the oral fluid diagnostic market as well as medical grade polyurethane foam. Oral fluid diagnostics includes the estimated $1.5 billion drugs-of-abuse testing market. Avitar's products include ORALscreen(R) the world's first non-invasive, rapid, on-site oral fluid test for drugs-of-abuse. Additionally, Avitar manufactures and markets HYDRASORB(R) an absorbent topical dressing for wound care. For more information, see Avitar's website at avitarinc.com/.