Dissolved Oxygen Meter features self-stirring probe.
Press Release Summary:
Waterproof WTW 340i Series is available in field/lab sets that allow meter to be used for field dissolved oxygen (DO) and lab biological oxygen demand (BOD) measurements. Unit comes with field probe and StirrOx(R) self-stirring BOD probe. Probes can be interchanged and used immediately with no warm-up period required. Meter has automatic calibration, LCD display, real-time clock, RS232 interface, data logger, and 3 yr warranty.
Original Press Release:
Rugged Field/Lab Dissolved Oxygen Meter Set Now Offered With Self-Stirring Lab BOD Probe
The new WTW 340i Series Meters are available in Field/Lab SETS that allow the user to use a single meter for both Field DO and Lab BOD measurements.
Each WTW 340i Meter SET comes complete with a field probe and the unique WTW StirrOx(R) Self-stirring BOD probe. Both probes can be interchanged and used immediately with no warm-up period required.
The waterproof easy-to-operate meter offers Automatic calibration, GLP conforming Documentation, large LCD display, real-time clock, RS-232 interface, data logger with time Controlled storage for 500 data sets and an industry leading 3 year warranty.
For complete information on the new WTW 340i Series Meter SETs write WTW Measurement Svstems Inc. 3170 Metro Parkway. Ft. Myers. FL 33916-7597, call 800-645-5999, or 941-337-7112. FAX: 941-337-2045. e-mail info@wtw-inc.com. or visit www.wtw-inc.com.