Content Management Software processes inbound transactional data.

Press Release Summary:

Enabling immediate tracking of incoming documents, CenterVision(TM) v2.0 is able to process any type of paper/electronic document. It offers logistics management utilizing resource estimation, allocation, and work status monitoring for mail tracking. Integrated collection of billing information from multiple sources, real-time information access, and alert of deadlines via email is also provided. System can be delivered as in-house software implementation or outsourced service.

Original Press Release:

BancTec Releases CenterVision(TM) 2.0

Global transactional content management platform delivers greater value to users

DALLAS, March 18 / / - BancTec, a global provider of advanced, high-volume document and payment processing services and solutions, has released version 2.0 of CenterVision, its global platform for processing and managing multiple streams of in-bound information. The new release of CenterVision improves the platform's ability to provide end-to-end mail processing and control, with stronger Service Level Agreement (SLA) management, enhanced document tracking and resource utilization capabilities. Optimal customer access to information, expanded reporting and overall usability enhancements are also provided.

"CenterVision has already been recognized for its robust transactional content management capabilities, which streamline the way large organizations capture and process their in-bound paper and electronic documents," said Mark Fairchild, senior vice president and chief technology officer, BancTec. "The enhancements in CenterVision 2.0 speed up the delivery of business-critical information and enable organizations to become more flexible in addressing changing business conditions."

CenterVision 2.0 provides more support for today's key business requirements: cost cutting, service excellence, consolidation, compliance and quality standards. For example, by enabling the immediate tracking of incoming documents, as well as "in process" online tracking, CenterVision reduces the risk of lost or misplaced information. Additionally, the platform's improved management control functionality allows resources to be allocated in a more effective and timely manner, saving on operator costs and training. Specific product enhancements in CenterVision 2.0 include:

Logistics Manager

Today, corporations are inundated with information. Losing documents not only costs companies time and money, it can also have legal ramifications. The new CenterVision Logistics Manager service helps solve this problem and provides control over information as soon as it enters the corporation by utilizing resource estimation, allocation and work status monitoring to deliver fully auditable, repeatable, end-to-end mail tracking. As a result, companies can better meet quality standards and reduce the costs associated with lost information and rework. The Logistics Manager also includes a "mailroom scheduler" and strong "track and trace" capabilities that manage processes through the entire document lifecycle, including physical archive and destruction per retention policies.

Customer Portal

The Customer Portal provides a collaborative, secure, efficient mechanism for customers to interact with CenterVision content and provide input on key business processes, such as exception handling. This real-time information access can significantly reduce the overhead involved with customer queries. Specifically, customers can retrieve images, view system and operations-generated bulletins, retrieve real time progress reports and search for documents to track their progress.

Feedback Mechanisms improve Service Level Agreement (SLA) Monitoring

CenterVision's new feedback mechanisms are designed to support Total Quality Management efforts. Specifically, the platform delivers missed deadline alerts and "nearline alerts" via email, thus enabling the timely redeployment of resources to meet SLA deadlines. Operator training reports improve productivity and quality by providing constant feedback, highlighting quality issues and enabling organizations to develop programs that help employees achieve optimal performance. Other feedback mechanisms in CenterVision 2.0 include automated image quality testing to ensure that captured images have been through a quality management process, and Percentage Sampling, which provides quality review sampling as work moves through the system rather than at the end of a business process. These capabilities will reduce operator workload, especially in companies that require 100% quality check for scanned work.

Integrated Billing

The billing process within companies, for both external and internal customers, can be extremely inefficient, resulting in delayed cash flow. CenterVision 2.0 improves this fragmented, error-prone process through new functionality that provides integrated collection of billing information from multiple sources (e.g., CenterVision, connections to other applications, manually entered items), resulting in fewer mistakes and much faster billing.

Originally released in 2008, CenterVision converges departmental mail processing applications and complex mailroom centers onto a common platform. Delivered as an in-house software implementation or an outsourced service, the CenterVision platform enables quick and accurate processing of any type of paper or electronic document, including fax, e-mail and web content. CenterVision 2.0 is now available in the United States and Europe.

About BancTec

BancTec helps clients around the world simplify the process of managing their information. Founded in 1972, the company provides a wide range of solutions for automating complex, high-volume and data-intensive business processes for clients in the financial services, healthcare, manufacturing, government, services and utilities industries. BancTec's offerings include business solutions, business process outsourcing, and infrastructure services. With headquarters in Dallas, BancTec serves clients in 50 countries. For more information on how BancTec can help you optimize information management, visit or call 1-800-BANCTEC.

Source: BancTec

CONTACT: Sue Barnhill (US), +1-972-821-5705,, or James Silcock (Europe), 01753 7788813,, both for BancTec

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