Clippard Maximatic® Filter-Regulators-Lubricators
Clippard’s Maximatic® line of FRL’s are available in many sizes from #10-32 to 1” NPT and are easily interchangeable. Their modular design and interconnecting brackets provide flexibility, and facilitates simple field installation and/or modification for numerous applications in the packaging, assembly and manufacturing industries. Large inventory ready to ship today!
Filters. Filters capture solid particulate and remove water by “spinning” the air centrifugally. Water and larger particles are thrown against the side of the bowl where they condense and/or fall to the lower part of the bowl. Smaller particles are captured as the air flows through the filter element.
Regulators. Controlling pressure is an important requirement in all systems. Maximatic Regulators are adjustable from 7 to 125 psig. For applications requiring better resolution, 7 to 30 or 7 to 60 psig models with spring are available. The #10-32 size is a piston-style due to its small size, while the 1/8” to 1” are a diaphragm design.
Lubricators. Pneumatic actuators and valves perform better and last longer when properly lubricated. The bowl serves as a reservoir for the oil and supplies oil through the pick-up tube when pressurized. The amount of oil dispersed is controlled by an adjustable needle valve.