Cell Workstation Static Eraser eliminates static at source.

Press Release Summary:

Vessel SDJ-08 Static Eraser employs detachable, pivotal clamp for targeted static removal. Built-in microcomputer notifies user via display lamp alarms if safety circuits detect voltage or fan trouble. Unit provides full-range fan speed control, auto-start mode, and UL and CE approval. With compact, lightweight design, product ensures that parts are electrically balanced as they exit mold with blast of static neutralizing ionized air.

Original Press Release:

SDJ-08 Cell Workstation Static Eraser

Eliminates Static at the Source

Static electricity attracts dust, dirt, produces dangerous sparks, disrupts line production and inhibits paint adhesion.

Vessel Static Erasers are ideal for removing static from plastics, printed film, electronics, optical devices, food service, cosmetic processing or anywhere static charge is an issue.

The Vessel SDJ-08 Static Eraser is the ideal workstation static eraser with a detachable pivotal clamp for targeted static removal. The built-in microcomputer will notify the user with the display lamp alarms if the safety circuits detect voltage or fan trouble. The SDJ-08 also includes full-range fan speed control, auto-start mode, low noise and ozone, easy maintenance and is UL & CE approved.

The compact and lightweight design is a departure from the bulky conventional ionizing devices used at secondary operations. Parts can now be electrically balanced as they exit the mold with a blast of static neutralizing ionized air.

For more information on our complete new line of static erasers please contact our Sales Department by phone (201)796-1720 or e-mail: sales@jdvproducts.com.




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