CAS Reaches Over 600 COVID-19 Vaccine Monitoring Kits Shipped!
Since the rollout of COVID-19 Pfizer and Moderna vaccines at the end of December 2020, CAS has been hard at work meeting the demand for vaccine temperature monitoring kits. This demand has only increased with the addition of the Janssen/Johnson & Johnson vaccine and expansion of vaccine availability to the general public in the United States. As of Monday, March 15th, 2021, CAS has now shipped over 600 COVID-19 vaccine temperature monitoring kits!
Our TandD TR-71 and TR-75 kits, along with our Accsense vaccine monitoring kits, have been highly sought after as COVID-19 vaccine monitoring solutions due to their continuous temperature monitoring, remote alarm features and ability to measure temperatures at or below -70°C (depending on model). These kits, and all our COVID-19 vaccine monitoring solutions, satisfy the CDC requirements for vaccine temperature monitoring. They provide everything needed to get started monitoring vaccine storage equipment including the digital data logger (DDL), software, probes, thermal buffers and calibration.
Many in the market for COVID-19 vaccine DDLs do not realize that the CDC requires it to have a valid certificate of calibration. With the purchase of a vaccine temperature monitor, we supply a standard NIST Traceable Calibration certificate and can provide custom calibrations such as ISO 17025 traceability as well.
Despite the increased demand for COVID-19 temperature monitoring kits, we have worked hard with our manufacturers to ensure that stock levels remain good. At this time, these DDLs and kits are in stock and available for quick delivery.
For more information on COVID-19 Vaccine Monitoring solutions, or to find the ideal solution for your application-specific needs, contact a CAS Data Logger Applications Specialist at (800) 956-4437 or visit our website at