Cart Positioning Lift Systems target fork-free facilities.

Press Release Summary:

Designed for positioning carts, 100% air-operated Lift Systems feature 1:1 lift ratio, eliminating stress on lifts' scissors, minimizing maintenance and downtime. Built to customer specifications, units accommodate low-clearance carts and provide wide range of ergonomically correct worker heights.

Original Press Release:

Herkules Cart Positioning - Lift Systems for Fork-Free Facilities

Walled Lake, Michigan, January 8, 2008. Herkules Equipment Corporation offers lifting systems for positioning carts to gain maximum productivity and ergonomics in the assembly and manufacturing plant.

Herkules lift systems are 100% air-operated, providing clean, maintenance-free, long lasting systems. Our patented direct 1-to-1 lift ratio eliminates stress on the lifts' scissors reducing maintenance costs, and eliminating downtime. There are no fluids to clean-up or replace.

Herkules' lifts provide the lowest profile in the industry accommodating low clearance carts and providing a wider range of ergonomically correct worker heights. We design and build the lift system to your desired specifications, so the cart positioner fits your exact needs. We will work with your existing carts, or supply new carts for your application.

Cart positioners are a safe and cost efficient method for those facilities that have the desire to improve safety systems, reduce injuries and lower truck maintenance costs. Fork lift truck use is minimized, reducing energy and labor costs.

For more product information, please contact Herkules at 800-444-4351, or at or visit our website at

Herkules Equipment Corporation, established in 1984, is a leading manufacturer of low profile, high capacity pneumatic lifting equipment, (standard and custom) including; lift tables; lift & rotates; lift & tilts; human lifts; cart positioners; multiple position turntables; and vehicle lifts.

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