Bry-Air Desiccant Dehumidification Rent to Own Program

Sunbury, OH, March 2, 2009 Bry-Air, Inc., Sunbury, Ohio, announces Desiccant Dehumidification Rent to Own Program.

For almost two years now, this program has helped customers in the Meat and Poultry Processing business meet their compliance regulations in a very cost effective way, which suited their financial goals. We can do the same for you!

The plan is simple, straight forward and easy to administer. The units are built to your exact specifications. We enter into an agreement where you agree to rent the desiccant dehumidification system. The monthly payment will depend on the system you select. At the end of the ten months, the equipment is yours. To take advantage of this unique offer, contact Cindy Getter, Manager Applications Engineering at for immediate assistance.

For over 45 years Bry-Air, Inc. has been a leading manufacturer in producing custom designed desiccant dehumidification units. Bry-Air takes the time to know what their client's needs are, so they can find the optimal solution for their moisture and humidity problems.

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