Automatic Transfer Switch Control offers power monitoring.
Press Release Summary:
Model 2000 PLUS can control operational functions of Russelectric ATSs. Microprocessor-based control system allows remote monitoring using open-architecture communications protocol through Modbus RTU communications network or Ethernet (with converter) and reports all key power data by means of serial communications. Control samples voltage and current simultaneously for all phases to ensure accuracy under low power or large waveform distortion conditions.
Original Press Release:
Automatic Transfer Switch Control System With Power Monitoring
HINGHAM, MA - Designed as a performance upgrade of the Model 2000 automatic transfer control, the Model 2000 PLUS provides the capability to control all operational functions of Russelectric ATSs plus the ability to monitor key power data. The microprocessor-based control system allows remote monitoring using industry-standard, open-architecture communications protocol through a Modbus RTU communications network or through an ethernet network (with a converter). Data can be viewed using customer-provided software or Russelectric Windows®-based SCADA. With the web server communications option, the control provides Internet-based remote monitoring and reporting.
The Model 2000 PLUS reports all key power data - metered readings and computed values - by means of high-speed serial communications. In addition to being transmitted, metered readings are displayed on-site using scroll-down menus accessed through the unit's keypad. Readings include: current, per phase RMS and neutral; % current unbalanced; voltage, phase-to-phase and phase-to-neutral; % voltage unbalanced; real power (KW), per phase and 3-phase total; apparent power (KVA), per phase and 3-phase total; reactive power (KVAR), per phase and 3-phase total; power factor, per phase and 3-phase total; frequency; and accumulated energy (KWH, KVAH, and KVARH). The control samples voltage and current simultaneously for all phases to assure high accuracy under conditions of low power or large waveform distortions (harmonics).
The Model 2000 PLUS operates at 45 to 66 Hz nominal frequencies and can be used in a single-phase or 3-phase, 3- or 4-wire circuits. Accurate to 1% for measured values, it accepts inputs from industry standard current transformers (5A secondary). Direct-phase connections of 600 VAC or less can be made without the need for PTs.
Using industry-standard, open-architecture communications protocol, the controller provides high-speed serial communications (through an RS422/485 compatible port) via multidrop connection to other controllers and to a master terminal with up to 4000 feet of cable (or longer distances with a communications repeater.) With the web-server-communications option, the Model 2000 PLUS can be accessed via the Internet for unlimited remote monitoring flexibility. With only a laptop computer and Internet access, a user can view all power data and diagnostic information from anywhere in the world.
For more information, contact: John A. Meuleman, Vice President-Sales & Marketing; Russelectric Inc., South Shore Park, 99 Industrial Park Road, Hingham, MA 02043-4387; TEL: (781) 749-6000; FAX: (781) 749-4205;