Audio Adapter handles analog and digital signals.
Press Release Summary:
Audio PCI Adapter for Workstations with pSeries(TM) systems is 3.3 V, 32-bit PCI unit that runs at 33 MHz. Device complies with Intele Audio Codec '97 2.1 specification. Adapter offers external jacks for headphones, speaker output, line input, and microphone input. Internal connector for CD or DVD drive audio input is also provided. Device requires pSeries or RS/6000® system with available PCI slot and AIX 5.1 with May 2003 updates.
Original Press Release:
IBM Audio PCI Adapter for IBM pSeries Workstations Boosts Audio Quality in AIX Environment
The IBM Audio PCI Adapter for Workstations enriches selected pSeries(TM) systems with a high-performance, workstation class, audio PCI adapter. It is optimized for support in the AIX® professional workstation environment and its associated applications.
The Audio PCI Adapter is a 3.3 volt, 32-bit PCI adapter that runs at 33 MHz adapter speed. It complies with the Intele Audio Codec '97 (AC '97) 2.1 specification, which defines an architecture for migrating to digital audio while maintaining support for analog interconnects. The Audio PCI Adapter offers external jacks for headphones, speaker output, line input, and microphone input as well as an internal connector for CD or DVD drive audio input.
Key Prerequisites
o A supporting pSeries or RS/6000® system
o One available PCI slot
o AIX 5.1 with May 2003, updates or later software; or AIX 5.2 with May 2003, updates or later software
Planned Availability Date
May 30, 2003
At a Glance
This new audio adapter for the AIX workstation environment offers:
o 3.3 volt, 32-bit, 33 MHz PCI adapter
o Support for the Intel AC '97 2.1 specification
o External jacks for headphones, speaker output, line in, and microphone in
o Internal connector for CD or DVD drive audio input
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