Alfa Laval Sharpens the Competitive Edge with iX

iX helps Peter Blomberg and his colleagues create a graphical interface that makes decanter centrifuges as easy to use as today's cell phones. The user-friendly interface is appreciated by customers, as well as the new HMI solution saves time and money in installation and service.

High quality is one of the reasons why the machines from Alfa Laval are exported successfully all over the world.

Peter Blomberg is automation manager at Alfa Laval and explains that the company puts great pride in producing reliable and cost-effective machines with a long life time. The strategy also includes that Alfa Laval's machines must be easy to use:

- The goal is to make our machines just as intuitive to use as today's personal computers and mobile phones.

Simplicity in operation

Simplicity in the operation of machines is both a selling point and a quality issue for Alfa Laval. The latest user interface 2Touch is in perfect line with the fundamental intentions.

- The idea is that all information should be readily available when it's needed.
By pressing a finger at any of the tabs on the screen, the operator opens menus to see operational data, adjust parameters, acknowledge alarms, etc. The icons on the screen have the same symbolic language as on the DVD player in your home. A few clicks are enough to view the electronic manual of the decanter or see an instructional video. Alfa Laval is without doubt inspired by more consumer-oriented products and is now in the lead with increased ease of use. Peter Blomberg is clear on why this effort has been made.

- HMI solutions with different colored push buttons and cryptic text messages on oversized panels belong to yesterday.

Already, more than fifty models of the new generation of decanters with the new user interface have been delivered to customers globally. However, decanter centrifuges are not the only machines equipped with 2Touch:

- Other types of machines within our three product areas; heat transfer, separation and fluid handling will be upgraded to the new platform.

Evaluation of more than a dozen different HMI concepts

Although there have been teething problems to overcome, Peter Blomberg does not regret that Alfa Laval was early to adopt iX. The decision was well founded. The project began with nine month's intensive evaluation of more than a dozen different HMI concepts.

- No other vendor could offer the same features and graphic possibilities within the framework of an open architecture.

Alfa Laval has customers and employees spread all around the world. Therefore, another important issue in the selection was also the fact that Beijer Electronics is a well established and globally active company with a strong focus on technology.

Customizing to Afa Laval's visual identity

The iX Developer is a well structured tool. Deep HMI experience is not needed to create a basic application - something that actually does not take more than a few minutes.

- We have put a lot of effort in customizing the interface to our visual identity, says Peter Blomberg, who among other things appreciates the vector graphics capability to create crisp, clear images at any magnification.

In addition to openness and graphics, the flexibility speaks for iX. Peter Blomberg notes that iX works with most control systems. This is unlike the competitors that were evaluated, where the link between HMI and PLC products was often very tight.
The support for OPC provides freedom to choose communication protocol. This is significant in cases where Alfa Laval's products are integrated with equipment from other suppliers in the same process line. Switching between different protocols is even possible in real time.

A technology shift with more advantages

The touch panel facilitates not only the operator's work through improved overview of the process. The technology shift is also an advantage for Alfa Laval's technicians:

- End-users are satisfied and at the same time we obtain simplified installation and maintenance services, says Peter Blomberg, noting that time is money if a machine fails.

Today Alfa Laval's engineers reach all functions and information via the operator panel. Updating a machine's system software is as easy as putting a memory stick in the panel's USB connector. The ability to monitor and address the machine or process line remotely via modem is another added value.

- With an aesthetically pleasing HMI solution that works today and has a modern feel in the years to come, we have reached our goal, summarizes Peter Blomberg.

Since its start-up in 1981, Beijer Electronics has evolved into a multinational group with subsidiaries in 14 countries some 500 employees and sales of 1.1 bn SEK 2009. The company is listed on the Nasdaq OMX Nordic Exchange Stockholm´s Small Cap list under the ticker BELE.

Beijer Electronics, Inc.

939 N. Plum Grove Road, Suite F

Schaumburg, IL 60173, USA


Phone: +1 847 619 6068

Fax: +1 847 619 6674

Elektronik-Systeme LAUER GmbH & Co. KG

Kelterstraße 59

72669 Unterensingen


Phone: +49 7022 9660300

Fax: +49 7022 9660554

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