Abrasive Wheels provide aggressive cutting.
Press Release Summary:

Original Press Release:
CYCLONE Flap Wheels Offer High Performance & Flexibility
Anderson Product's Cyclone Abrasive Flap Wheels offer fast cutting action, long life and flexibility. Whether performing I.D. cleaning and finishing, roughening surfaces prior to painting, blending edges or removing rust on scale, Anderson Product's ascertains that their Cyclone Flap Wheels are made with the highest quality Aluminum Oxide abrasive resin cloth for fast, aggressive cutting action and smooth operation.
Anderson Cyclone Flap Wheels are available in two styles: stem-mounted and unmounted. The stem-mounted Cyclone Flap Wheels are used in manual operations on portable tools and provide consistent aggressive action in hard-to-reach areas and
flat surfaces. The unmounted wheels are best used on bench grinders and other machinery and provide controlled grinding, finishing and deburring action on machined parts and flat surfaces. Both types of wheels can be contoured to fit irregular surfaces in a variety of applications, offering maximum flexibility of use.
Anderson Products also offers an extensive line of abrasive products, industrial brushes and maintenance products.