Terrasoft Presents the Report on CRM at ISDF Spring 2007

The sixth "Independent Software Developer Forum" (ISDF) will take place in Moscow on April 27 - 29, 2007. The main topic of ISDF Spring 2007 is "Automation processes in software companies".

The representatives of companies from different countries will take part in forum. The participants will share their experience regarding the effective development, support, sales and software marketing activities. There will be reports presented by the world known software developers.

Terrasoft Company was as well invited to take part in ISDF Spring 2007. The report named "The advantages and peculiarities of CRM in software developing companies" will be presented by the Direct Sales Executive - Serge Ganshyn. He will cover the questions of building CRM processes in software developing business, creating the optimal sales workflow and the process of development of partner network. Serge will also share the experience of realization of integrated CRM-solutions for software companies.

Contact Name: Elena

Organization: Terrasoft

E-mail: e.kozhushko@tscrm.com

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