Robert Stine Wins 10th Annual CHANNELLOCK® Falcon Award
MEADVILLE, Pa. — Robert Stine, TPM maintenance associate, won the 10th annual Falcon Award during a sunset dinner cruise aboard the Barbara J., in Conneaut Lake, Pa., on Wednesday, August 14, 2013. Channellock Inc. invited all of the Falcon Award nominees and their significant others for the announcement and cruise.
The Falcon Award is the crown jewel of the Falcon Program, a multi-faceted initiative implemented in 2003 and designed to reward, encourage and celebrate Channellock Inc. associates at work, at home and in the community. The Falcon Award is presented to the one associate who best demonstrates the ideals of the program: speed in action through productivity; far-sightedness and clear vision in making everyday decisions that impact CHANNELLOCK’s bottom line; job performance at work; leadership skills through participation in community organizations; and a clear understanding and commitment to CHANNELLOCK’s “Vision Blue,” which states that “commitment, cooperation and constant improvement yield success.”
Stine’s dedication, efficient work ethic and expertise are all examples of how CHANNELLOCK® has benefitted from his exemplary service. Two of Stine’s peers nominated him for the award, pointing to his work on the Feedall conveyors in the forge shop, ensuring they are functional and properly maintained, as well as his development of the thermal imaging program that greatly improved CHANNELLOCK’s ability to diagnose equipment used in the manufacturing process of its pliers. Stine is also an active member of the Earth Watch organization, using his personal vacation time to help relocate animals that are in danger.
As the 2013 Falcon Award recipient, Stine will soon receive a gift of his own choosing: a river tour of Northern Europe to trace his family’s ancestry. Stine also received an engraved silver bowl and will have his name scribed on a plaque displayed beside the hand-blown Daum crystal falcon that serves as the symbol of the Falcon Award at CHANNELLOCK’s headquarters in Meadville, Pa.
Stine was nominated by his peers along with five other CHANNELLOCK® associates, including:
     Thomas Boratyn – TG SPC operator, machine shop
     Howard Bradley – Sonic welder, department 23
     Dan Cochran – Supervisor of polishing, plant 2 second shift
     Dan Gravatt – Forger, forge shop
     Bryan Smith – General supervisor, plant 2
Nominations for the Falcon Award were reviewed, and the winner chosen, by a voluntary committee of CHANNELLOCK® associates from all areas of the company.
About Channellock Inc.
Founded in 1886, Channellock Inc. is celebrating its 127th year of business as a worldwide leader in the manufacture of high-quality pliers and assorted hand tools. For more information on CHANNELLOCK® products, the company’s rich history, sales contacts and current news, visit CHANNELLOCK® at To stay connected with CHANNELLOCK®, like CHANNELLOCK® on Facebook, join CHANNELLOCK® Nation, or follow CHANNELLOCK® on Twitter and Pinterest.
Lynn Snyder, Channellock Inc.
Marketing Services Manager