Plastic Ingenuity Moving Forward With ISO 14001 Certification

Cross Plains, WI: April 2, 2008 - With the global focus on preserving the environment and sustainability, Plastic Ingenuity is once again setting the standard in the thermoforming industry with their effort to "go green." With unique ideas, plans, and technological advancements, PI is looking to enhance their ISO 9001 certification with the addition of its environmental counterpart ISO 14001 certification, by the end of the year.

For Plastic Ingenuity to conserve energy while keeping production costs low, significant changes are being implemented throughout the company. With the work of a collection of plant managers and an ISO steering committee, PI is nearing its goal of operating with 10% renewable energy, a goal that President Tom Kuehn has made a top priority.

The primary factors driving PI to ISO 14001 certification are two-fold. Certainly there is the business aspect, where the decision to "go green" can translate into a profitable business decision, but there is also a historical precedent that began in 1972 when Joe Kuehn founded the company.

"The phrase 'we will be ever mindful of our natural environment' is embedded in our mission statement, so the pursuit of an environmental certification is really a logical next step for us. Our mission, coupled with the fact that our Cross Plains facility is surrounded by a Class 1 trout stream, has heightened our awareness of the environment more than most companies," Marketing Director Rob Helmke said.

Recently Plastic Ingenuity installed solar panels at their plant in Cross Plains, WI. Smaller implementation measures include changing the lights used in the plants from T12 to T8, and the introduction of motion sensors. Together these improvements will add up to a savings of over two million kilowatts per year.

All these measures have Plastic Ingenuity headed in the right direction, not only in their quest for ISO 14001 certification, but in their quest to reduce their carbon footprint.

Plastic Ingenuity is a national leader in the light gauge custom thermoforming industry since 1972, and continues to lead the industry with its unparalleled innovation and R&D. For more information contact Plastic Ingenuity at 608-798-3071.

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