New Collaborations Focus on Search for Solutions to Industry Issues

KTI is now working with the University of Connecticut, Materials Science and Engineering Department and a large aerospace company.

The new collaboration will focus on research and development to create metallurgical solutions for two problems in the aerospace industry. Students will document the problem and process. Then they, using KTI metal joining expertise to test, analyze and develop solutions. The "Capstone" program works through the full school year. This joint development with UConn with a large aerospace company and a small manufacturing company is a pilot program to build a 5 year sustainable program for on-going projects.

Another program is bringing KTI and the State of Connecticut together again. It will afford a UConn engineering student an opportunity to work with KTI for a semester. This program is called the "Innovation Scholar Program". The State of Connecticut Small Business Innovation Office created a matching grant for small manufacturing companies. UConn's school of engineering is funding a student to work on the project.

It is expected that both of these programs will create additional jobs at KTI within a year.

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