New Category Page
This summer, A Plus Warehouse has developed our website more. One of our newest additions to our line is balers. We have created an entire content page just for balers because they are a unique item. Balers are used to crush items such as cardboard, tin, cans, textile, and any other items that need to be broken down a bit. Once the item is compacted, it is then shot out and finished with a tie to make transportation easy.
On this page we have cardboard box balers, medium duty ones for textiles, and heavy duty ones for metals. Each baler has a different pressing force, opening width, and style. Most of these balers are likely to be seen in a warehouse or any other area that may have trash that needs breaking down. A typical baler we sell is the light duty cardboard box baler. It has a crushing power of 8,800 pounds. This one takes in carboard, plastic foil, or paper.
For more information about our balers check out this page
At A Plus Warehouse we are here to help. We have sales reps in the office from 8-5 M-F Eastern Time. Give us a call at 800-209-8798 for more information.