Megalift FSE VLM Meets Osha Standards for Quiet Operations in Industrial Equipment Applications

The MegaLift(TM) FSE Vertical Lift Module (VLM) from MegaStar Systems meets OSHA standards for quiet operation, allowing it to be installed in a variety of non-warehouse type automated storage and retrieval applications.

The MegaLift FSE VLM uses a no-lubrication cable drive system, rather than traditional chain drive or rack and pinion systems, that provides clean, smooth, fast and quiet operation rated at 65 decibels. This "silent" operation makes the MegaLift FSE VLM suitable for installation in laboratories, offices and other areas where noise reduction is necessary.

The MegaLift FSE VLM is an enclosed system of vertically arranged trays that automatically locates and retrieves stored items and delivers them to an ergonomically positioned workstation. The unit's FlexiSpace(TM) feature automatically scans the height of each tray and stores it in the smallest space possible, in as little as one inch increments, to significantly improve storage density. Its vertical design takes advantage of unused overhead space to save up to 85% of the floor space required by rack and shelving systems.

MegaStar Systems, a company of the KRI Group of Zurich, Switzerland, is a leading provider of automated storage and retrieval systems for commercial, industrial and office applications. For more information on the MegaLift FSE VLM, call 800-639-5805 or visit the MegaStar Systems web site at

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