Lista International Corporation Announces New Video on Their Innovative Drawer Fabrication Method

Lista International Corporation announces a new video that explores Lista's innovative drawer fabrication and discusses how it results in unparalleled performance in the industry. The video addresses drawer construction and design, special features, the drawer suspension system, durability and results of drawer performance tests.

The video demonstrates how Lista's innovative drawer design and fabrication method adds significant levels of structural stability. Lista's unique design includes separate front and back panels welded to the drawer body, increasing structural stability from left to right. The addition of two heavy gauge z-shaped metal rails welded to the drawer bottom from front to back also add extra stability. Welding the front to back panels along with the z bars results in a complete frame around the perimeter of the drawer body, fully supporting up to 440 pounds. This all-welded, hardware-free construction makes Lista drawers much more durable than those fastened with screws or rivets.

Additionally, the video discusses Lista's state-of-the-art drawer suspension system. Lista's drawer suspension system takes advantage of advanced, high-performance materials to maximize the drawer's overall cycle performance at full load, compared to traditional steel bearing suspensions. The rollers are made from polyoxymethylene (POM), a durable and long-lasting material used extensively in many industrial applications. The advanced Lista drawer suspension provides superior level of quality and performance that also minimizes maintenance.

Test results show that Lista's drawers provide unparalleled performance in the industry. The drawers were tested independently against stringent industry standards. The drawers met a globally respected standard certification for industrial cabinets and suspension systems. Testing to meet these standards of fully-loaded suspension systems included cycle and durability testing, drawer deflection, the open and closing force, vertical and horizontal load testing and pull-out retention testing. Lista's drawers met all of the difficult test criteria. The suspension exceeded the required number of cycles without diminished performance, and passed the durability test with results that double the published standard.

See the video at

To find out more about Lista products, call or write: Lista International Corporation, 106 Lowland Street, Holliston, MA 01746 USA; TEL 1-800-722-3020; FAX 508-626-0353; email Visit Lista's web site at

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