It's Curtains For Sew What? Inc - On The 1000th Cover Of Rolling Stone Magazine

Rancho Dominguez, CA - For 39 years, Rolling Stone magazine covers have been music industry icons, featuring every major artist from the Beatles to Queen to the Beastie Boys. This month, Rolling Stone released its 1000th issue with a spectacular holographic cover featuring the biggest, the best, the most outrageous and the most glamorous, all assembled beneath curtains created by theatrical drape company Sew What? Inc.

It was only natural that Rolling Stone's elected graphic artist, Michael Elins, selected Sew What? Inc. to create the retro red velvet and gold trim drapes for the landmark issue cover shot. The innovative fabric manufacturer has become a staging standard in the Rock world. Indeed Sting, Fleetwood Mac, Kid Rock, Dave Matthews Band, Stevie Nicks and many others have performed in front of spectacular screens, drapes, curtains and fabric sculptures created by Sew What? Inc.

"Nothing says 'you've made it' like being on the cover of Rolling Stone," said Sew What? Inc. president Megan Duckett. "And being on 1000th Edition cover is as good as it gets. We're up there overlooking John Lennon, Elton John, Chuck Berry, Art Garfunkle... even Bill Clinton!

Committed to creativity, flexibility and customer service, Sew What, Inc., was recently named one of ten finalists in the third annual Small-Business Excellence Award program sponsored by Dell and the National Federation of Independent Business (winner to be announced in June). The firm, located in Rancho Dominguez, CA, is well-known for its dramatic theatrical drapes and fabrics used in major rock concerts, top fashion shows and other artistic staged venues. For information, contact Sew What, Inc. at (310) 639-6000, or

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