Introducing NIMS Smart Training Solutions - Free Informational Webinar

Over the last year and even more so over the last three months of the unprecedented COVID-19 quarantine, the NIMS team has been hard at work developing, testing, and streamlining a new framework of performance validation that includes NIMS Smart Solutions, custom, on-the-job (OJT) training products and services that will help prepare the workforce for what’s now and what’s next in manufacturing.

The fact that job responsibilities have widened and expanded quickly in recent decades is not a news flash for manufacturers. We’ve agonized over what we call the “complexity gap” in performance and it’s been a challenge to keep up. But, manufacturers are creative, practical people and have devised their own ways to address the complexity gap internally. Many have broken down various occupations into roles. By doing that, their on-the-job training can be more modular and focused and require less time to accomplish.

We at NIMS have built upon this trend applying the concepts of modularity and adaptability in training and performance validation as we developed our new framework. Its customizable format is aligned with manufacturers on the smart manufacturing journey and it's created with job roles, not occupations.

There are three main pillars of the new framework:

  • Smart Standards: Updated NIMS standards for machining, industrial maintenance, and more.
  • Smart Performance Measures: Customizable performance evaluations for training programs and NIMS credentials.
  • Smart Training Principles: Universal concepts to help companies enhance their OJT.

To commemorate NIMS 25th Anniversary and to explain the foundational and guiding parameters of our new framework and its pillars, as well as to showcase our new products and services to our community, we invite you to join us for a free informational webinar on Thursday, June 25th at 1:00 pm EST.

Please click here to register for the webinar. After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar. If you are unable to attend live, there will be a recording sent out to all those who register. Please register even if you can not attend but would like to receive the recording.

Please contact with any questions and we look forward to connecting with you on the webinar.

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