Harper Announces the Addition of New Speakers to Carbon Fiber R&D Workshop

Harper has secured several new speakers to add to the agenda for the 2013 Carbon Fiber RD Workshop to be held July 25-26th in Buffalo, NY. Industry experts from Ford Europe, University of Washington, Clemson University, University of British Columbia, and India Institute of Technology have been added to the program to present their latest findings and perspectives in the area of carbon fiber research and development.

On display during the event will be Harper’s complete Carbon Fiber Microline™ research system, the world’s most flexible and highly tailored system, designed to support the unique needs of research and development efforts. Attendees will be given a tour by several of Harper's PhD experts.

The event is free attend and includes shuttle transportation to and from the workshop and a Niagara Falls dinner, as well as meals/refreshments during workshop hours as indicated in the agenda. Visit www.carbonfiberworkshop.com to view the entire schedule and get more information.

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