FES Systems, Inc. Reached a Manufacturing Milestone

York, PA - FES Systems, Inc. reached a manufacturing milestone this week, completing its 15,000th ASME coded pressure vessel. The first pressure vessel manufactured by FES Systems was completed in June of 1975. "With 31 years of pressure vessel production, that works out to a little over nine vessels produced, on average, each week," stated Ronald Eberhard, president, FES Systems.

"These vessels become an integral part of commercial and industrial refrigeration systems and are used in the food and beverage, chemical, petrochemical and pharmaceutical industries. ASME (American Society of Mechanical Engineers) provides manufacturers with codes and standards to be used in the production of these refrigeration components.

"Pressure vessels come in a wide variety of sizes. We produce some as small as eight feet in length and the maximum size solely depends on transportation limitations, continued Eberhard. "Right now we are producing a dual-shell system that when assembled in the field will be about 40 feet in length, 20 feet in height and will weigh in at 110,000 pounds. These shells will be separated when shipped."

FES Systems designs, builds and services refrigeration systems serving the commercial and industrial refrigeration markets in North and South America, Middle East, Asia and the Pacific Rim.

For additional information regarding this news release or for other information regarding FES Systems, Inc., please contact Jeff Cook, FES Systems' marketing manager.

Visit our web-site at www.fessystems.com.

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