Epilog Ranks #6 in DBJ Best Places to Work Competition

Epilog Laser recently announced the company ranked sixth in the Denver Business Journal's Best Places to Work competition. This is the fourth consecutive year Epilog has ranked among the top ten best places to work in the Denver metro area.

Out of 30 Colorado finalists in the small, medium and large business categories, Epilog was the only manufacturing company to place in the top ten. The remaining 29 finalists were made up of service companies including construction, law, accounting/finance and communications firms.

The Best Places to Work competition examines Denver's finest companies as determined by those who best know them: their employees.

"For the past four years, Epilog has ranked among the top ten medium-sized businesses to work for in Denver, said Mike Dean, vice-president of sales and marketing for Epilog Laser. The fact that we have consistently ranked among the best of the best speaks volumes about both our company culture and dedicated employees.

Complete anonymity was promised throughout the competition, as each company was represented by its own organization code. Individual passwords were not used, allowing each employee to complete the survey anonymously. Questions were given a value of one to six points ranging from strongly agree to strongly disagree, and covered topics such as trust in leadership, feeling valued in the work place and inter-department support, among others.

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