Epilog Laser Fans Share Insight, Advice and Laser Techniques in Facebook Group

That's right, Epilog Laser has gone social. If you haven't had the chance to check out the Epilog Laser Fans Page on Facebook you're truly missing out.

So what does the Epilog Laser Fans Page have to offer?

File sharing - thanks to the helpful recommendations from our fans we've created a site where Epilog users can upload files so they are available for others to used and modify. Since our users post so many great pictures of their laser works, we wanted to be able to create a quick and easy way to share and access cool new projects. http://www.epilogfiles.com/facebook/

Tips and Tricks - having trouble using CerMark? Need help creating a shape in Corel? The fans page is full of seasoned laser users who are skilled in various design programs and more than willing to share their advice.

"Everyone is so helpful when you post for feedback and there are lots of great suggestions. Folks are willing to share their ideas, and everything is positive on here. There is just a lot of great creative talent going on," said Julie Anderson Michael, owner of Expressions n' More.

Support - from design help to machine help to general business support, the Epilog Laser Fans Page is a growing community (over 1200 members and counting!) of like-minded business owners and hobbyists who want to make the most of their laser system.

Terry Beauchamp, co-owner of Finishing Touch Wood Carvings tells us "the fans page has turned into friendships as well as sharing ideas and projects. From all the different levels of abilities that we bring to this site - everyone is willing to help one another accomplish a goal, share material finds (what works best), sources for materials, and program tutoring. I'm left with the feeling, that everyone genuinely has a vested interest in seeing everyone succeed."

Ready to become a fan? Head on over to Facebook and search for "Epilog Laser Fans" or look for the "join our fans" button at www.epiloglaser.com

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