Eclipse, Inc. Hosts Manufacturing Industry Leaders

ROCKFORD, IL V Eclipse, Inc. hosts open house for leaders in the heat treating and furnace industry on Friday, November 9 with plant tours, burner system firing demonstrations and special displays at the Rockford based corporate headquarter. The event will begin at 1:30 PM and end at 4:15 PM.

Eclipse, Inc. will host an open house at the Eclipse Rockford location on the 9th of November. The event will be attended by approximately 150 business owners and top managers from companies across North America who specialize in the industries of Heat Treating and Furnace Building. These companies will be coming to the Rockford facility in conjunction with the Global Heat Treat Summit - Metal Treating Institute being held in Chicago. The firms will be learning about the latest technologies in industrial heating with live-fire burner demonstrations, facility tours, and displays of related product to the industry.

There will be a display of the # 17 Indy Racing League Car V owned by the Rahal/Letterman race team and sponsored by EPIC (Ethanol Production Information Council), of which Eclipse is also a sponsor. This display will include a driving simulator and pit crew to answer questions. The #8 Eclipse-sponsored late model NASCAR auto will also be on display. There will be a display of the latest General Motors products to represent the finished product of Eclipse's efforts with GM production as well as Eclipse's status as a certified Service provider to GM plants. Harley-Davidson is planning to have some products on display to signify the work Eclipse does with them at their Milwaukee, WI production engine facilities. Chrysler will also be displaying vehicles including the Viper. All of these vehicles will signify the importance of Eclipse equipment in the industrial world.

There will be a special test-firing of the Eclipse Vortometric burner for all to witness as an attempt at a Guinness World record for cooking a 20-pound turkey in under 1 minute.

Eclipse Products and Services
Eclipse designs, manufactures and services burners and combustion solutions that heat or dry products and materials for the glass, metal processing, food, textile and other industries. Over the years, it had provided innovative thermal solutions for a wide variety of applications worldwide.

Patrick OKeefe, Eclipse Marketing Manager, 815.637.7269; CELL 815.505.1366

Schedule of events

Friday, November 9, 2007, Eclipse, Inc., 1665 Elmwood Road, Rockford Il 61103, 815-877-3031

1:30 Welcome and opening remarks by Eclipse Senior Management

1:45 V 3:45

o Laboratory tours and product demonstrations
o Continual access to Static Displays of the INDY Racing League (IRL) Ethanol Production Information Council #17 Car and Simulator sponsored by Eclipse
o Continual access to Customer Display areas from Harley Davidson and General Motors
o Static Display of the #8 NASCAR Late Model stock car sponsored by Eclipse
o Snacks and refreshments provided from local Rockford area producers

4:00 Attempted World Record Turkey cook

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