Cablofil Manufacturing is Awarded ISO 9001:2000 Certificate of Registration

Cablofil, Inc. has received the prestigious ISO 9001:2000 Certificate of Registration. This award demonstrates that Cablofil's Quality Management System for manufacturing wire mesh cable tray is in full compliance with exacting international standards.

ISO (International Organization for Standardization) is the world's largest, most respected developer of industrial standards. These worldwide standards contribute to making a broad range of products and services more efficient, safer and of higher quality. In addition, these standards also serve to safeguard consumers and contribute to making their lives safer and simpler. Just another example of Cablofil's commitment to providing quality products for their customers.

Cablofil is the world's leader in wire cable tray innovation focusing on labor saving products for the data and electrical markets. For more information on Cablofil's ISO Certification or Cablofil products, call Cablofil at 800-658-4641, or visit them online at

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