Building An Eco-conscious Culture

Earth Day is an annual event that unites more than a billion people with one shared goal: growing the commitment to a healthier, cleaner and eco-conscious planet. The day has many organized activities that cause a ripple effect, spreading actions and policies that bring the world a little closer to a more sustainable future.

This year’s Earth Day was just one opportunity for Saint-Gobain® Tape Solutions to highlight our passion and commitment to generating positive environmental impact.

On Friday, April 21, the teams based in Granville and Hoosick Falls, New York collaborated to share best practices and learn more about sustainability. Educational breakout sessions were conducted to share tips for saving energy at home and at work. Ideas that were shared include using LED (Light Emitting Diode) lighting, switching to energy-efficient appliances, unplugging not-in-use devices, investing in solar panels and reducing water consumption.

The day was also filled with opportunities to engage in activities like planting pine trees, recycling and cleanup at the Albany Pine Bush. Getting rid of the garbage and removing invasive species helped conserve species such as:

  • The Karner Blue Butterfly, an endangered species 
  • The wild Blue Lupine plant, a spring wildflower and host for rare butterflies 
  • Trees such as the Pitch Pine or Dwarf Chestnut Oak
  • The Eastern Coyote
  • The Hognose Snake, a species of great conservation need
  • Birds such as the Eastern Towhee or Prairie Warbler
  • Amphibians such as the Eastern Spadefoot 
  • Reptiles such as the Eastern Box Turtle 
  • And more!

Throughout the day, teams were able to work together and learn more about how the water, plants, animals, soil, air and light all work together to ensure the Albany Pine Bush is a well-functioning ecosystem.

Activities like this drive purpose within our culture. They spark the curiosity needed to ignite both conversations and innovations that result in sustainable impact, both locally and globally.

Employee-led Green Teams Ensure Every Day is Earth Day

While annual Earth Day celebrations are an important reminder to do all that we can to maintain a healthy planet, it is imperative to treat every day as Earth Day. As a response to this need, Tape Solutions has employee-led Green Teams.

These teams are focused on education, innovative thinking and working together with customers, suppliers and the local community. Their passion has helped drive process improvements and advancement in emerging green technologies.

The Saint-Gobain Tape Solutions Green Teams first started in February of 2023 with just a few members. Since the first meeting, interest has grown and membership has increased exponentially. Both onsite and offsite employees have drummed up ideas and activities to encourage widespread involvement at all levels of the organization. Some activities include more community cleanups, tree planting, composting, recycling and working to conserve energy at the sites.

As the Green Teams continue to grow, we are excited for the collaboration and camaraderie around the shared Saint-Gobain purpose of making the world a better home.

We will continue to share best practices and partake in climate training to maintain focus on a better future and empower employees with the information, tools and messaging needed to make an impact. Step-by-step, we plan on achievement of our goal of net zero carbon by 2050.

Small actions can lead to big success. And, reaching carbon neutrality is not a solo act. It can only be achieved when everyone participates. It is driven by purpose, whether that be through small collective actions or big-scale and worldwide projects.

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