Braeside Displays Now Offering Monthly Featured Products

Braeside Displays has created a monthly featured product program. Every month two P.O.P. displays will be featured on These products will be offered for a limited time (or while supplies last) at discounted prices on the Braeside Displays website homepage. Featured point of purchase displays are brand new items that are being offered at a discounted price. Braeside will be featuring products such as poster stands, outdoor business card holders, and chipboard brochure holders in the coming months.

About Braeside Displays

Located in Antioch, IL., Braeside Displays manufactures over 1,000 stock and custom items in their 80,000 square-foot factory including brochure holders, literature displays, sign holders, ballot boxes and aluminum snap frames. Braeside fabricates, molds, and decorates all from its US based factory. For more information on stock displays visit or call 800.837.9888. For custom displays visit

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