AIA Pursues Opportunities to brief presidential candidates.

Press Release Summary:

Aerospace Industries Association (AIA) briefed Trump's campaign on issues of industry importance. AIA has also been in contact with Clinton's campaign regarding similar opportunity. According to AIA President and CEO David F. Melcher, AIA's strictly non-partisan role as the Voice of American Aerospace and Defense involves educating "our elected leaders, candidates for office and the general public on the importance of our industry to our economy and national security."

Original Press Release:

AIA Pursuing Opportunities to Brief Presidential Candidates

Statement by Aerospace Industries Association President and CEO David F. Melcher on briefing the Trump campaign regarding AIA’s priorities.

Arlington, Va. — The Aerospace Industries Association participated in a meeting today with the Trump campaign to brief Mr. Trump on issues of importance to our industry. As the Voice of American Aerospace and Defense, AIA’s role is to educate our elected leaders, candidates for office and the general public on the importance of our industry to our economy and national security. AIA has also been in contact with the Clinton campaign regarding a similar opportunity to brief Secretary Clinton.

Early in the campaign season last year, AIA developed a series of position papers that we distributed to every Congressional and Presidential campaign. Those papers can be viewed here: We continue to pursue the opportunity to brief any active campaign on our priorities.

AIA is a strictly non-partisan organization and is not permitted – expressly or by implication – to endorse candidates for political office. Our briefings are for educational purposes only, and we welcome the opportunity to speak with the candidates about issues that matter to our nation, our industry and our members.

CONTACT:  Dan Stohr

(703) 358-1078 office


Founded in 1919 shortly after the birth of flight, the Aerospace Industries Association is the most authoritative and influential trade association representing the nation’s leading manufacturers and suppliers of civil, military and business aircraft, helicopters, unmanned aircraft systems, space systems, aircraft engines, homeland and cybersecurity systems, materiel and related components, equipment services and information technology.

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