A Trusted Advisor

Marking Systems, Inc. prides ourselves in being a "Trusted Advisor" to our customers. We have learned over the years that in today's sales arena it is not enough for a sales professional to merely assume that a prospect has a problem that is costing time or money and that they will automatically embrace the sales person's solution because it's a solution to their problem. Many of us now sell in a sales arena that poses subtle but costly problems with complex and pricey solutions. In order to effectively navigate this landscape the successful sales person converts into a trusted advisor.

The Trusted Advisor

A true trusted advisor assesses the degree to which the problem impacts the prospect. The true trusted advisor embarks on a journey with the prospect to determine all facets of the problem and the true extent of the negative impact that the prospect is suffering. The advisor determines the problem caused; the cost of the effect, and the cost of delaying implementation of a solution.

If the negative ramifications caused by the problem are something that can simply be managed moving forward, why would your prospect invest in a solution? When the prospect does not have a clear insight into the impact the problem has had in the past, is currently having in the present and will have in the future they will not invest in a solution.

Our goal is to be that "trusted advisor" and to present new technologies, materials and SOLUTIONS that help resolve problems customers are facing and working with them on implementing these solutions.

We would like to be a trusted advisor to your company. Please feel free to contact one of our Trusted Advisors to schedule an introduction meeting.

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