Xenos Software

Software monitors and secures servers and network devices.

Software monitors and secures servers and network devices.

Run on Windows 2000, XP, and 2003, Server Nanny(TM) v2.25 detects problems with servers, sends appropriate notification, and performs automated actions to correct problems. It monitors any network device using 30+ different types of monitors, from basic ping to SNMP. Notifications are sent via email, SMS, net send, and more according to schedule that ensures correct contacts are notified by best...

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Software monitors and secures servers and network devices.

Software monitors and secures servers and network devices.

Run on Windows 2000, XP, and 2003, Server Nanny(TM) v2.25 detects problems with servers, sends appropriate notification, and performs automated actions to correct problems. It monitors any network device using 30+ different types of monitors, from basic ping to SNMP. Notifications are sent via email, SMS, net send, and more according to schedule that ensures correct contacts are notified by best...

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