Stahlin Non-Metallic Enclosures Continues to Expand into Canada - Lord Electric Joins the Stahlin Distribution Team and Holds Open House to Celebrate

Belding, MICHIGAN --- Stahlin Non-Metallic Enclosures, manufacturer of the world's most frequently specified fiberglass enclosure products, continues to expand and has entered into a new distributor agreement with Lord Electric with offices in Edmonton and Calgary, Canada.

To celebrate this partnership Lord Electric held an open house for its customers to become familiar with Stahlin's product line. In addition to learning about Stahlin enclosures during the open house a door prize, a Playstation3, was won by Brent Connell of Edmonton Electric. The guests were also treated to a famous Alberta Beef meal catered by a local restaurant.

For more information about Lord Electric 9757 - 54 Avenue, Edmonton, AB Canada T6E 5J4 Phone: 780-438-5878 Fax: 780-436-2405 Email:

For infromation on Stahlin's International Business, Contact:
Jeff McIlroy, VP Robroy Industries, International Business Manager - Stahlin Div.,U.S. Office: 412-828-2100

Nanette Gregory
J4 Communications

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