Chemical Supplier Hubbard-Hall Inc. Launches Product Video Demonstrations Online

Waterbury, CT - Hubbard-Hall Inc., a leading chemical supplier for the metal finishing industry, has just announced the launch of several new product video demonstrations. The seven short clips cover several application areas including metal soak, spray and barrel cleaning, de-foaming, general wastewater treatment, antiquing and polishing - all in about two minutes time. Viewers have the opportunity to see the product in action, with before and after footage. Details on the products usage is provided in narration by Bob Farrell, the Technical Director/VP of Technology at Hubbard-Hall.

Hubbard-Hall Inc. is one of the nation's oldest and most experienced chemical distributors and suppliers in the country. Since opening in Waterbury, CT in 1849 the company has expanded to include locations in Massachusetts and South Carolina, with distribution around the globe. With an emphasis on the metal and surface finishing industries, Hubbard-Hall Inc. has become known as the experts in cleaning with over 100 years combined experience with industrial aqueous and solvent cleaners.

The videos can be found on the Hubbard Hall website or directly on YouTube at the Hubbard-Hall channel.

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