Actioneer 'Invisible' Password Manager Ends Password Chaos, Speeds Web Access

CAMBRIDGE, Mass., Feb. 14 /-- Actioneer, Inc. announced the release of its free Invisible Password Manager(TM) software program.

"Few have adopted a real password manager to quell Password Chaos, the widespread epidemic that strikes whenever you forget a needed user name or password. What's needed is something less intrusive and easier to use," said Tom Hagan, Actioneer president. "Actioneer's password manager is very easy to use and so unintrusive it's almost invisible."

The password manager is included in two new Actioneer versions, both free for personal use and downloadable from Paid commercial licenses are also available.

Actioneer(R) PM is for use in desktop and laptop Windows(R) computers.

Actioneer(R) PORTABLE, a flash drive password manager, can be carried around on a USB thumb drive for use with almost any Windows computer.

Earlier Actioneer versions received much acclaim for providing quick Web access.

Both new versions embed password management within Actioneer's prize- winning action messenger to provide safer, easier access to Websites, including those requiring account login.

Once a user enters their master Actioneer password -- the only password they need memorize -- user input for password-protected login Websites is the same as for sites open to the public. The password manager recedes into virtual invisibility.

How it works
By clicking open the Actioneer window and typing an action message, a user can dispatch Actioneer to drill down into a destination Website, either an open or a password-protected site. The particular site selected is determined by a keyword included in the message, or chosen from a list.

For password-protected sites, Actioneer extracts user name and password from triple-DES encrypted storage and executes an automatic login with no keyboard entry, thereby preventing identity theft by keyloggers and snoopers.

It then triggers a search based on the action message text.

For example typing "ency hawaii" generates an automatic logon to, then a search for "hawaii".

Actioneer includes Connectors (simple XML scripts) for over 100 popular Websites. New sites are added weekly. Users can update their local connectors automatically from

Actioneer, Inc. released a series of prize-winning Action Messaging products featuring quick Web access from 1999 through 2002. For more, see

CONTACT: Tom Hagan of Actioneer, Inc., +1-617-803-1403,

Web site:

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