Hitachi ID Systems Sponsors the 2012 SecureWorld Expo, Bay Area

CALGARY- SecureWorld Expo brings together security leaders, experts and policy makers who shape IT security. The event, which will be held in the Bay Area from September 19-20, will present an intersection of information security, compliance, IT audit, computer forensics, enterprise risk management, business continuity and security management.

Hitachi ID Systems will showcase their identity and access management solution, the Hitachi ID Management Suite version 8.0, which was released earlier this year. The Hitachi ID Management Suite is an integrated, modular solution for administration and governance of identities, entitlements and credentials. A scalable and robust architecture makes the Hitachi ID Management Suite suitable for large and mid sized organizations globally. A pragmatic modular design and a large number of built-in features reduce the total cost of ownership.

Recently, Hitachi ID has experienced a significant increase in demand for their privileged access management solution. "Global enterprises are implementing IT products to protect, control and monitor end users, as well as secure privileged access to sensitive data," says Gideon Shoham, CEO, Hitachi ID Systems. "As proactive protection of sensitive data within the enterprise becomes a priority across all industries, we see a rapid increase in demand for data security solutions."

About Hitachi ID Systems

Hitachi ID Systems solutions are used by over 1000 organizations, including 80 Fortune 500 companies, to secure access to their systems and applications both on-premise and in the cloud. The Hitachi ID Management Suite was developed 100% internally which means that it is fully integrated and well supported.

To learn more about Hitachi ID Systems, visit, e-mail, call 1.403.233.0740 or follow @Hitachi_ID on Twitter.

SOURCE Hitachi ID Systems, Inc.

CONTACT: For more information, or to schedule a one-on-one interview, please contact:

Chantelle Micheli

Public Relations Manager, Hitachi ID Systems

Phone: (403) 233-0740, ext 326

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