GN Thermoforming to Showcase Advanced Plug-Assist Machinery and Cost-Saving Tooling at NPE 2012

CHESTER, NOVA SCOTIA - GN Thermoforming Equipment, a leading manufacturer of roll-fed, in-mold cut thermoforming machines, will introduce the latest in plug-assist thermoforming machinery and cost-saving tooling technology at NPE 2012: The International Plastics Showcase, April 1-5, 2012 at the Orange County Convention Center in Orlando.

At NPE (Booth 1683), GN Thermoforming's GN760 plug-assist thermoformer will make its U.S. debut after its international roll-out last October at K 2010 in Dusseldorf, Germany. The new cut-in-place machine will be running a unique common-cut die tool to demonstrate the machine's low-scrap capability. Amid today's rising cost of materials and the increased focus on sustainability, GN has developed innovative tooling technology which significantly reduces skeletal web scrap from 28%-30% to 16%-18% when compared to typical form-cut-stack machines.

"With the escalating price of resins today and the need to reduce environmental footprint, our new plug-assist thermoformer gives processors an important tool to improve their profitability," said Jerome Romkey, GN's Marketing Manager.

The new cut-in-place machine has a 762 mm x 533 mm (30 in x 21 in) forming area and incorporates many of the same components found in GN's traditional machines. The new larger model expands GN's line of plug-assist machines, meeting the demand for medium- to large-volume runs.

The GN760 also offers a 35% to 50% reduction in electrical consumption when compared to competitive equipment. The new model uses servo drives for plugging, material transport, stripping, and stacking. It also boasts a radiant infrared heating system with 60 zones and an electronic regeneration system which reduces energy use, resulting in a savings of approximately $9000/yr.

The company is currently targeting food packaging applications but is also exploring medical and electronic packaging. Food trays made of PET/PE laminate is the initial target for processors currently running the GN760 in the Netherlands, Poland, Russia, and South Africa.

At NPE, GN also plans to display other cut-in-place tooling capabilities that help processors improve productivity and cut costs.

About GN Thermoforming Equipment

GN Thermoforming Equipment, based in Chester, Nova Scotia, Canada, is a leading manufacturer of roll-fed, in-mold cut thermoforming machines for the production of quality plastic packaging. The company's advanced machinery combines the two critical steps of forming and cutting into one operation, a system which yields low material scrap rates. Very modest power consumption is among a long list of benefits for GN thermoformers which have earned the designation of Environmentally-Friendly Equipment with Low Carbon Footprint. More information on GN Thermoforming Equipment is available at


Joseph Grande


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