Work and Load Positioners

Manipulating Arm has variable speed control.
Work and Load Positioners

Manipulating Arm has variable speed control.

Six-axis Mini-Articularm, mounted on top of omni-directional platform, suits lifting and handling operations. Controlled via corded push button remote controls, joysticks, or wireless radio frequency controllers, system is capable of handling 100 to 250 lbs at 72 in. radius. Parallelogram arm allows load to remain parallel to ground while being raised or lowered. It also rotates 360 deg, and is...

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Manipulating Arm has variable speed control.
Work and Load Positioners

Manipulating Arm has variable speed control.

Six-axis Mini-Articularm, mounted on top of omni-directional platform, suits lifting and handling operations. Controlled via corded push button remote controls, joysticks, or wireless radio frequency controllers, system is capable of handling 100 to 250 lbs at 72 in. radius. Parallelogram arm allows load to remain parallel to ground while being raised or lowered. It also rotates 360 deg, and is...

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Belt-Driven Boom positions robots and gantries.
Work and Load Positioners

Belt-Driven Boom positions robots and gantries.

DGEA toothed-belt-driven electric boom-arm axis is suitable for positioning applications requiring horizontal or vertical projecting motions. Fixed pinion drive mechanism engages stationary toothed belt, causing projecting structure to traverse work envelope. Roller guide bearing system is integrated into housing. Unit has stroke range of 100-1,000 mm, payload of 110 lb, speed of 2.1 m/sec, and...

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Belt-Driven Boom positions robots and gantries.
Work and Load Positioners

Belt-Driven Boom positions robots and gantries.

DGEA toothed-belt-driven electric boom-arm axis is suitable for positioning applications requiring horizontal or vertical projecting motions. Fixed pinion drive mechanism engages stationary toothed belt, causing projecting structure to traverse work envelope. Roller guide bearing system is integrated into housing. Unit has stroke range of 100-1,000 mm, payload of 110 lb, speed of 2.1 m/sec, and...

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3Sixty Mission Critical Launches New Service Offering UPS as a Service As A Cost Effective Alternative to UPS Equipment Ownership

3Sixty Mission Critical Launches New Service Offering UPS as a Service As A Cost Effective Alternative to UPS Equipment Ownership

At 3Sixty Mission Critical, we specialize in maintaining the performance and uptime of our customer's mission-critical applications. Our services are comprehensive and designed to take on the entire burden of maintenance. Our "UPS as a service" is just another example of how we develop out of the box solutions to help our customers operate more efficiently; see our video to earn more.

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