Rotary Positioning Stages / Tables

Rotary Indexer works without servos.
Rotary Positioning Stages / Tables

Rotary Indexer works without servos.

Indexer provides angular rotation in small increments in either direction. It can be used in two operating modes. One mode is operation as small bench top turn table; other mode is providing rotary motion when mounted to independent motion device or robot arm. Plant air is used with simple on/off digital programming using solenoid operated four way valves and standard controllers.

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Rotary Indexer works without servos.
Rotary Positioning Stages / Tables

Rotary Indexer works without servos.

Indexer provides angular rotation in small increments in either direction. It can be used in two operating modes. One mode is operation as small bench top turn table; other mode is providing rotary motion when mounted to independent motion device or robot arm. Plant air is used with simple on/off digital programming using solenoid operated four way valves and standard controllers.

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Rotary Table helps drill angled holes.
Rotary Positioning Stages / Tables

Rotary Table helps drill angled holes.

Compound rotary table for HoleMaster Hole Driller EDM machine provides precise A- and B-axis positioning for submerged or nonsubmerged drilling of angled holes and slots. Rotary axis is programmed and controlled using standard CNC. It can be installed on new machines prior to shipment or retrofit to existing machines in field. Table accommodates parts up to 23.5 x 23 x 12.75 in. It simplifies...

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NC Indexer suits small VMCs.
Rotary Positioning Stages / Tables

NC Indexer suits small VMCs.

Compact Tsudakoma RZ Series operates at speeds to 33.3 rpm, has clamp torque of 1,400 in.-lb, and is controlled by TPC Jr with 1,000 block programming capacity and RS 232C interface. No MDI programming is required. Indexer is suitable for small VMCs, drill and tap centers and pallet machines. Options include face place, scroll chuck, collet chucks, and hydraulic/pneumatic power chuck with...

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NC Indexer suits small VMCs.
Rotary Positioning Stages / Tables

NC Indexer suits small VMCs.

Compact Tsudakoma RZ Series operates at speeds to 33.3 rpm, has clamp torque of 1,400 in.-lb, and is controlled by TPC Jr with 1,000 block programming capacity and RS 232C interface. No MDI programming is required. Indexer is suitable for small VMCs, drill and tap centers and pallet machines. Options include face place, scroll chuck, collet chucks, and hydraulic/pneumatic power chuck with...

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Rotary Tables perform safely in hazardous areas.
Rotary Positioning Stages / Tables

Rotary Tables perform safely in hazardous areas.

AccuRing HE Series open-center, programmable rotary tables have explosion proof motors, non-sparking gearing, remote motion control electronics, and intrinsically safe sensors. Tables are suitable for hazardous environments and handle up to 100,00 lbs. Applications include automated painting cells, adhesive applications, volatile materials handling, fine particle dust atmospheres, and natural gas...

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Indexing System has maximized torque transmission.
Rotary Positioning Stages / Tables

Indexing System has maximized torque transmission.

Quick-change insert indexing system requires 1.5 turns of 1 screw to remove or install new inserts. Kenclamp system uses 1 top-clamp for both location and locking, and utilizes Torx Plus hardware to provide additional clamping force. System offers 6 lobes with cross-sectional areas and elliptically-based geometry. Insert clamping system, available in 1/2 and 5/8 in. insert IC, is offered in...

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Basalt America Announces Stronger, Lighter, and Corrosion-Free FRP's (Fiber Reinforced Polymers)

Basalt America Announces Stronger, Lighter, and Corrosion-Free FRP's (Fiber Reinforced Polymers)

Fiber Reinforced Polymers (FRP), represents a truly groundbreaking advancement in structural reinforcement. Lightweight, strong, and green, they are changing the way the construction industry thinks about rebar. Unlike steel, FRPs don't rust and are far stronger than standard rebar. To learn why Fiber Reinforced Polymers are poised to change the way the world builds, see our video.

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