

Cutting and Grooving Tool has 3 cutting edges.

Secured by a unique clamping solution, CoroCut 3 uses its third cutting edge in shallow parting of tubes and bars and grooving operations. Its parting widths of .079, .059, and .039 in. help reduce raw material usage, while its 2 dedicated insert geometries help ensure peak performance and quality of surface finish in all workpiece materials. Same holder can be used for all insert widths.

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Cutting and Grooving Tool has 3 cutting edges.

Secured by a unique clamping solution, CoroCut 3 uses its third cutting edge in shallow parting of tubes and bars and grooving operations. Its parting widths of .079, .059, and .039 in. help reduce raw material usage, while its 2 dedicated insert geometries help ensure peak performance and quality of surface finish in all workpiece materials. Same holder can be used for all insert widths.

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Grinders and Groovers have self-propelled design.

Grinders and Groovers have self-propelled design.

Pavement groovers and grinders have 12 in. blade capacity and -¾ in. max cutting depth. Model PG 6522 is equipped with 65 hp Wisconsin engine and 21¾ in. cutting head. Powered by either 35 hp gas or 30 hp electric motor, PG 3514 utilizes 14 in. wide cutting head and front wheels that allow machine to follow contour of pavement. With cutting head width of 8 in. and 16 hp Briggs Vanguard...

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Grinders and Groovers have self-propelled design.

Grinders and Groovers have self-propelled design.

Pavement groovers and grinders have 12 in. blade capacity and Â-¾ in. max cutting depth. Model PG 6522 is equipped with 65 hp Wisconsin engine and 21¾ in. cutting head. Powered by either 35 hp gas or 30 hp electric motor, PG 3514 utilizes 14 in. wide cutting head and front wheels that allow machine to follow contour of pavement. With cutting head width of 8 in. and 16 hp Briggs...

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Roll Groover handles pipe sizes up to 1½ in.

Roll Groover handles pipe sizes up to 1½ in.

Introducing the Reed RG1.5 Roll Groover (#08532) that allows the user to roll groove 1 ½ and smaller pipe. The RG1.5 uses the body of Reed's 2-1 to hold roll grooving wheels and requires 360 degrees of rotation to groove pipe. This groover and other products in this family use a special patent pending wheel to roll groove pipe. The RG1.5KIT Groover Kit, #08530, allows the user to convert a...

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Roll Groover handles pipe sizes up to 1-½ in.

Roll Groover handles pipe sizes up to 1-½ in.

Introducing the Reed RG1.5 Roll Groover (#08532) that allows the user to roll groove 1 -½ and smaller pipe. The RG1.5 uses the body of Reed's 2-1 to hold roll grooving wheels and requires 360 degrees of rotation to groove pipe. This groover and other products in this family use a special patent pending wheel to roll groove pipe. The RG1.5KIT Groover Kit, #08530, allows the user to convert a...

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Grooving System plunges and turns in 2 directions.

Grooving System plunges and turns in 2 directions.

Latrobe, PA (December 12, 2002) -- The versatile new Kennametal A4 turning and grooving system offers the ability to perform grooving and side turning in either direction as well as cutoff operations. The A4 system offers a unique insert holder that features a top guide rail that is locked by the clamp, a 120-degree bottom prism seating surface, and a long clamping area. The result is extremely...

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Grooving System plunges and turns in 2 directions.

Grooving System plunges and turns in 2 directions.

Latrobe, PA (December 12, 2002) -- The versatile new Kennametal A4 turning and grooving system offers the ability to perform grooving and side turning in either direction as well as cutoff operations. The A4 system offers a unique insert holder that features a top guide rail that is locked by the clamp, a 120-degree bottom prism seating surface, and a long clamping area. The result is extremely...

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